Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I Am Giving Up For Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, which means it is time for Lent!

Now, I was raised Catholic and I went to church every Sunday with my Mom until I made my Confirmation...then she gave me the choice to go or stay home.  Which to me meant wake up early on Sunday or sleep in...I chose to sleep in.

Anywho, I still celebrate Lent and whatnot...I just choose to not go to church, so it is time to give something up!  Here is what I have decided to give up for Lent:

  • Red Meat - I don't eat it everyday, but I do love me a medium rare steak...But not during Lent!
  • Stepping on the Scale EVERYDAY! - I am guilty of this...I weigh myself everyday and focus way too much on the numbers.  NOT ANYMORE.  I am currently running a Biggest loser Challenge here at work so I will ONLY step on the scale ONCE a week...and that is for our weigh in on Monday mornings.
  • Buying Lunch at Work - I spend entirely too much money buying lunches while at work...time to start packing!!
What are you giving up?  I know you can think of something :)

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